T4K Ceilidh – June update

It’s nearly mid summer and just an intense few weeks away from a general election in the UK. On the other side of the Channel, elections to the EU parliament are taking place as I am writing this newsletter. A more humane politics is urgently needed. Will we see the changes we need?

Doing things by ourselves

You may have noticed the recent lack of newsletters. This happens when time gets taken up by other things and there are only so many hours in a day. Still, our volunteers have been busy supporting residents in all sorts of ways, organising some fantastic events and generally keeping on top of the admin that such a project entails.

T4K is a community effort and an entirely volunteer run organisation. We rely on many different skills to run our project, but there are a few areas where we could do with a bit more support, for example, graphic design, social media or PR. Contact us here if you want to get involved.

Annual report

So, one of the things we have been busy with is our annual report 2023. It was a year where the UK border regime has made life increasingly difficult for refugees and forced migrants, yet locally it was also a year of beautiful community gatherings and keeping people housed. We were working hard to turn the idea of bringing a community of people together to welcome strangers hand on heart and conquer hostility with love into a large, beautiful and concrete reality. We saw people we have helped take their next steps towards independence and thriving. You can read all about it and download it on our website.

Fun, love and silly dancing

Poster advertising a ceilidh showing drawn images of people dancing and a band playing.

To finish this very brief update I can tell you there is something joyous afoot. Our legendary T4 Ceilidh is on again this summer on 27 July at St Mary’s Church on Surrenden Road from 6.45pm. Don’t miss out on a summer evening full of fun, dancing, food, cake and lovely company. It’s all yours for £15 for advance tickets only from Eventbrite. Bring your children, neighbours and friends.

A thousand thanks for your ongoing support!

Warm wishes on behalf of T4K,
