About Us

Thousand 4 £1000 is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO), registered with the Charity Commission in the UK (charity registration number 1171590).

Our aim is to be a community response to enforced homelessness amongst forced migrants. We pool small donations from hundreds of people to provide housing and other support to migrants who would otherwise be destitute.

text styled to look like a rubber stamp, reading 'Welcome to Brighton'

Why we are needed

Thousand 4 £1000 has been set up so that if you are caught on the wrong side of the immigration rules, you can find a home. We hope to be able to do more to change the hostile environment to a welcoming one through small acts of solidarity.

multicoloured 'people' figures holding hands and arranged in a circle

How we work

All your questions about Thousand 4 £1000 answered!

Annual Report 2023

In 2023 we housed numerous people who would otherwise have been homeless, and gave financial and practical support to many more.

Refugee valentine event: indoor scene with a mirror ball and people on stage

A Cup of Kindness: a short film about Thousand 4 £1000 by Anna Lunden

growing our community

Our mission in 2022 is to reach the elusive goal of 1,000 regular donors.
Will you be one in a thousand, helping to make Brighton & Hove a city that truly welcomes refugees?
If you already give us a regular donation, please tell your friends about us!

monthly donors (July 2022)
News and Updates

T4K Tales

Red Zobo drink in a clear glass on a grey, metal mesh table.

Finding Joy — Nov Update

I am very sorry for being a terrible correspondent. I would like to point out that this is in contradistinction to everybody else involved in the project. They do their …