10K 4 T4K

One of our volunteers, Karen, is running the BM10km on Sunday morning which takes place earlier than the Brighton marathon. Karen says: I did it last year, but it will …

The Mother of Burtyatia statue, Siberia. A stone statue of a woman making a gesture of welcome By Аркадий Зарубин - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=22968703

Mobilising The Community

Thousand 4 1000 has been running for three years now. It is a definite success. We have housed over 25 refugees and other forced migrants in that period. We’ve had …

A black banner with large white letters spelling 'refugees'. The banner has a rainbow fringe

A Valentine evening with ‘refugees’

Whilst most people celebrated a romantic Valentines Day with their partners, around a hundred people gathered at the event ‘Refugee Valentine’ in the evening of this February 14th in Brighton, …

Housing Crisis

Today in the Jollof Cafe two households of newly arrived asylum seekers came looking for housing. All told there were 6 adults (4 women, 2 men), 3 children and 1 …

The Sun is Out

The sun is out. People are dressed up in white and propelling hard spheres of red leather at each other’s heads and legs. Children are parading through the streets. Artists …

Luqman wins the right to live

Dear Luqman Onikosi is the driving force behind the Solidarity supper and many other extraordinary events. After eight years of trying, he has finally won the right to appeal against …